24. ICOSIM Weekly

1. New PubMed publication from CaviTAU® users
„ Reduction of Inflammatory RANTES/CCL5 Serum Levels by Surgery in Patients with Bone Marrow Defects of the Jawbone“
2. Training: Global cancer increase and what we can do about it

Dear friends of ICOSIM and jawbone osteoimmunology,

  1. I am pleased to share a new PubMed publication by CaviTAU® users and RANTES/CCL5 Jawbone Detox®remediators Reduction of Inflammatory RANTES/CCL5 Serum Levels by Surgery in Patients with Bone Marrow Defects of the Jawbone“ 

I am glad if you like the paper.

  1. On the not so unproblematic topic of CANCER, today I am putting together three scientific facts and – fourth – the conclusion from them on osteoimmunology of the jaw and CaviTAU®. That our approach to RANTES/CCL5 remediation and the detection of the sources in the jaw is correct, as shown by the above scientific publication.
  1. Startling scientific statistic: cancer cases in under-50s worldwide up nearly 80% in three decades, study finds

More than one million people under the age of 50 die from cancer each year, and the number is expected to increase by another 21% by 2030. The number of global cases of early-stage cancer has increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019, while cancer deaths among adults aged 40, 30 years or younger increased by 27%.

More than one million people under age 50 now die of cancer each year, the study found.

The authors of the study, published in BMJ Oncology, note that poor diet, alcohol and tobacco use, physical inactivity and obesity are likely contributing factors.

“Since 1990, incidence and deaths from early-stage cancers have increased substantially worldwide,” the report states. “Promoting healthy lifestyles, including a healthy diet, limiting tobacco and alcohol use, and adequate outdoor exercise, could reduce the burden of early-stage cancer.”

The recent study, led by the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and Zhejiang University School of Medicine in Hangzhou, China, was the first of its kind to examine the issue on a global scale and risk factors for younger adults. Most of the previous studies focused on regional and national differences. In this global study, researchers analyzed data from 204 countries on 29 cancer types.

In 2019, a total of 3.26 million new cancer diagnoses were made among those younger than 50 years, a 79% increase from 1990. Breast cancer was the most common cancer and the most common cause of death, with 13.7 and 3.5 cases per 100,000 of the global population, respectively.

In 2019, a total of 1.06 million people under the age of 50 died from cancer, a 27% increase from 1990. After breast cancer, most deaths were associated with cancers of the trachea, lung, stomach, and intestine.

Based on trends observed over the past three decades, researchers estimate that the number of new cancer cases and associated deaths worldwide will increase by another 31% and 21%, respectively, by 2030, with people in their 40s most at risk.

Dr. Claire Knight, a senior health information manager at Cancer Research UK who was not involved in the study, said it is not yet clear what is driving this trend and urged caution. “If people are concerned about their cancer risk, there are many ways to reduce it, such as not smoking, eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise and staying safe in the sun.

  1. Fact #2: Cancer and RANTES / CCL5

What does the scientific literature say about RANTES/CCL5 and tumors? Searching for “Cancer review … or Breast cancer …or Prostate cancer…or Colon cancer AND RANTES CCL5” in the science database GoogleScholar yields surprising results:
  1. Fact #3: RANTES / CCL5 and CaviTAU®

Research shows that conspicuous bone softening in the jaw (FDOJ) is a common, almost epidemic phenomenon in old extraction and implant sites. Please refer to:

  1. Lechner J, von Baehr V. RANTES and fibroblast growth factor 2 in jawbone cavitations: triggers for systemic disease? Int. Jour. of General Medicine; 2013:6 Pages 277 – 290, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S43852
  2. Lechner J, von Baehr V. Hyperactivated Signaling Pathways of Chemokine RANTES/CCL5 in Osteopathies of Jawbone in Breast Cancer Patients—Case Report and Research. Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2014:8 89–96 DOI. https://doi.org/10.4137%2FBCBCR.S15119
  3. Lechner J, Schmidt M, von Baehr V, Schick F. Undetected Jawbone Marrow Defects as Inflammatory and Degenerative Signaling Pathways: Chemokine RANTES/CCL5 as a Possible Link Between the Jawbone and Systemic Interactions?. J Inflamm Res. 2021;14:1603-1612. https://doi.org/10.2147/JIR.S307635
  4. Lechner J, Schulz T, Lejeune B, von Baehr V. Jawbone Cavitation Expressed RANTES/CCL5: Case Studies Linking Silent Inflammation in the Jawbone with Epistemology of Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer (Dove Med Press). 2021;13:225-240 https://doi.org/10.2147/BCTT.S29548

  1. The logic from #1 + #2 + #3 yields the ICOSIM proposal for the cancer question:

  1. Wouldn’t a systematic screening for “Silent Inflammation” in the jaw and thus for potentially cancer-causing RANTES/CCL5 “foci” radiation-free and non-invasive with CaviTAU® ultrasound sonography be a preventive and revolutionary addition to the smoke- and meat-free sedentary life?
  2. Wouldn’t the systematic search for the causes of cancer development with detection of “silent inflammation” in the jaw with radiation-free ultrasound be the more effective supplement to the much-discussed X-ray mammography?

With this I remain until the next ICOSIM-Weekly with collegial greetings.

Hans Lechner

23. ICOSIM Weekly

1. Immunological sustainability of titanium implants
2. Abstract for the article
3. Don´t miss the date:
Blood Concentrate Day Frankfurt 15. Sep. 2023

Dear friends of ICOSIM and jawbone osteoimmunology,


Has implantology already reached its scientific endpoint? In the daily routine of implanting is everything perfect or are we forgetting hidden stresses on the immune system?


1. A possible answer is given in this Weekly – By the abstract for the latest publication of our Munich Research Team MRT:

Immunological sustainability of titanium implants?
Osteoimmunology and osseointegration in dissolved titanium particles


Abstract: The bone-implant contact (BIC) is the essential prerequisite for successful osseointegration and implant stability. If this BIC does not occur on the entire surface of the implant, osseointegration is disturbed and local chronic inflammations in the sense of osteoimmunology can occur. These fatty-degenerative osteonecroses of the jawbone (FDOJ) endanger the immunological sustainability of the implantation; they harm the patient systemically by local RANTES/CCL5 overexpression at the implant-bone interfaces. Since no technique has yet been developed to visualize and verify whether bone or soft tissue is actually present around implants (Albrektsson 2023), these bone marrow defects at the BIC of implants have not been explored. A computerized transalveolar ultrasound system covers that diagnostic gap of standard X-ray techniques. A clinical case presentation demonstrates the immunological relevance of the problem and shows the solution using complementary dental sonography.


2. Curious? This is the PDF download of the original IMPLANTS article in English

Immunological sustainability of titanium implants? 
Osteoimmunology and osseointegration in dissolved titanium particles

3. Save the Date: International Blood Concentrate Day Frankfurt 15. Sep. 2023


Topic of the Dr. Lechner lecture:Bone Ultrasound Detection of Difficult to Diagnose Bone Affections after Extraction and/or Implantation”. 



Topic of the Dr. Lechner workshop:Between Osseointegration and Osteoimmunology – Practice of Ultrasound Sonography for Immunological Sustainability of Titanium and Ceramic Implants



I remain until the next ICOSIM Weekly with collegial greetings in preparation for the event in Bad Kissingen at the IGAF and the Blood Concentrate Day with Prof. Ghanaati in Frankfurt.


Hans Lechner


22. ICOSIM Weekly

1. The call for VitD? Cure or fake?
2. 113 RANTES citations!
3. Don’t miss the date: Blood Day Frankfurt 15.Sept 2023

Dear friends of ICOSIM and jawbone osteoimmunology,

After the summer break with fresh forces: New and interesting in jawbone osteoimmunology!!


1. The call for VitD? Cure or fake?


Who doesn’t know it: The loud call for VitD? Under the title “Cancer Mortality” is a press release from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). (Editor: Marc Fröhling) to read that according to the current study situation, vitamin D intake is associated with a reduced cancer mortality.

Are we all taking VitD now and fighting cancer!? Upon closer inspection, the DKFZ researchers found significantly lower serum levels of the pro-inflammatory tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) and interleukin 6 and CRP in study participants under VitD substitution. Problem for us ICOSM members:

Exactly TNF alpha, IL-6 and CRP play no role according to our research in the osteoimmunology of the jawbone: All three are extremely under-expressed and therefore not a necessary target for VitD substitution as our research with IMD-Berlin shows:

On the contrary, it turns out: Since an initial activation of TNF alpha, IL-6 is essential for wound healing of an FDOK, the anti-inflammatory VitD further suppresses the osteoimmunological activation of osteoneogenesis of an FDOK.


The importance of VitD remains of course. But a blanket high-dose therapy regimen for bone healing in the jaw in FDOK and implantation should be approached with due caution.

P.S. See also our publication : (Read here)

Lechner J, Aschoff J, Rudi T. The vitamin D receptor and the etiology of RANTES/CCL- expressive fatty-degenerative osteolysis of the jawbone: an interface between osteoimmunology and bone metabolism. Int J Gen Med. 2018; 11:155–66. https://doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S152873 PMID: 29731660.

2. 113 RANTES citations!


Does our research with IMD-Berlin on jawbone osteoimmunology find recognition in international scientific literature?

Not without pride I note: Our publications on RANTES/CCL5 and FDOK have been cited 113 times so far (of course without self-citations).


3. Save the Date: International Blood Concentrate Day Frankfurt 15.Sept 2023


Topic Lechner Lecture:Bone Ultrasound Detection of Difficult to Diagnose Bone Affections after Extraction and/or Implantation”. 



Topic Lechner Workshop:Between Osseointegration and Osteoimmunology– Practice of Ultrasound Sonography for Immunological Sustainability of Titanium and Ceramic Implants



Remain until the next ICOSIM Weekly with collegial greetings in preparation for the event in Bad Kissingen at IGAF and Blood Day with Prof. Ghanaati in Frankfurt
Your Hans Lechner


Hans Lechner


21. ICOSIM Weekly

1. ICOSIM: Live surgery at Jawbone Detox Days 14/15 July
2. RANTES and developmental defects of enamel in children
3. Save the date: 17th Sep. Lecture by Dr. Lechner about Immune regulation and chronic inflammation in the jaw

Dear ICOSIM Friends and Osteoimmunology Members,

before we say goodbye for the summer break, a short note on our own behalf:
after the 100th ICOSIM Weekly from the beginning of July, we have decided to publish the Weekly fortnightly.

Always worth reading and informative for what is new in osteoimmunology of the jaw bone!!!

1. Our JAWBONE DETOX DAYS® has been very successful

on July 14th/15th, with our colleagues from the Munich Research Team-MRI Dr. Florian Notter and Dr. Fabian Schick:

With modern digital technology, two FDOK live surgeries were transmitted from our practice clinic to the pleasant (plus 37 Celsius) hotel for the participants.

The latest findings in regulative-immunological dentistry IMMUNE DENTISTRY with revolutionary new multimodal concept for therapy planning in jaw rehabilitation and implantology were presented by Hans Lechner.

Learn more about the concept to ensure individual success in diagnosis and therapy in our upcoming JAWBONE DETOX DAYS® in the ICOSIM Weekly!

The impressive lecture by Dr. Andres Fernandez from Costa Rica contributed to the international exchange of experience and lively discussion among colleagues:

2. ARTICLE: RANTES and developmental defects of enamel in children

Who does not know it? The helpless shrug of the shoulders of worried parents: Their child already has terrible enamel defects on the milk teeth!

Here is a paper with reference to enamel defects to RANTES/CCL5: Read the paper

[Costa EM, Pinho JRO, Saraiva MdCP, Ribeiro CCC, Batista RFL, Coêlho Alves CM, et al. (2023) RANTES and developmental defects of enamel in children: a Brazilian prenatal cohort (BRISA). PLoS ONE 18(7): e0284606. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284606].

Conclusion: Lower RANTES concentrations in the blood during during pregnancy may affect the process of amelogenesis, because this chemokine affects cellular depolarization, which is induced by the sustained influx of calcium (Ca++) and the release of inflammatory inflammatory cytokines that promote cell adhesion/aggregation is triggered.

P.S. One also cites at [40] our own publication: Go to publication

Lechner J, Aschoff J, Rudi T. The vitamin D receptor and the etiology of RANTES/CCL- expressive fatty-degenerative osteolysis of the jawbone: an interface between osteoimmunology and bone metabolism. Int J Gen Med. 2018; 11:155-66. https://doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S152873 PMID: 29731660.

3. Save the date: 17.09. Lecture by Dr. Lechner

Immune regulation and chronic inflammation in the jaw

Our connection to Integrative Oral Medicine IOM creates the International Society for Autonomic Functional Diagnostics and Regulatory Medicine IGAF.

At the IGAF Symposium in Bad Kissingen, Germany, Hans Lechner will lecture on September 17, 2023: “Immune Regulation and Chronic Inflammation in the Jaw – Data and cases on system-oriented remediation practice”.


Remain until the next ICOSIM Weekly with collegial greetings in the preparations for the event in Bad Kissingen at IGAF


Hans Lechner


20. ICOSIM Weekly – New article with op-videos – Over 44 tsd. listeners QS 24 Health TV.

Dear ICOSIM members,

ICOSIM Weekly has not fallen asleep: I am back from vacation!

  1. In this ICOSIM Weekly the overview of four NEW broadcasts on the channel QS24 of the Swiss Health TV: We have reached more than 44.000 viewers and convinced them of the novel contents of our Integrative Oral Medicine IOM.

Please take a look for yourself and learn IOM!

Chronic diseases: Cooperation between physicians and dentists
Dr. med. dent. Dr. Johann Lechner | NaturMedizin | QS24
Health Television

Broadcast date:
Sat. 09.04.2022; 09:30 p.m.

Is stress regulation present at all?
Dr. med. dent. Dr. Johann Lechner | NaturMedizin | QS24
Health Television

Broadcast date:
Sat. 04/23/2022; 9:30 p.m.

Rantes Trigger: Firing the Cytokine Storm
Dr. med. dent. Dr. Johann Lechner | NaturMedicine | QS24
Health Television

Broadcast Date:
Sat. 05/07/2022; 9:30 p.m.

Search for the cause of dermatitis
Dr. med. dent. Dr. Johann Lechner | NaturMedizin | QS24
Health Television

Broadcast date:
Sat. 05/21/2022; 09:30 p.m.

Please note: All 19 QS 24 videos by Hans Lechner can also be viewed on our practice channel! 
  1. In the professional journal “Applied Complementary Medicine AKOM 6/2022” we have published a new article: From Holistic Dentistry to Integrative Oral Medicine – Video documentation on interference field remediation in the jaw.

I wish you a lot of fun watching QS24, reading the article and watching the video – I hope it is worthwhile to get further insight into the completely new discipline of a “Maxillo-mandibular Osteoimmunology”.

and remain with best ICOSIM greetings

Your Hans Lechner

19. ICOSIM Weekly – CaviTAU goes Washington DC – Ceramic Implant Congress

Dear ICOSIM members,

due to my vacation a today delayed ICOSIM-Weekly: Our CaviTAU developer team was in Washington DC.,USA from May 19-21, 2022 and could demonstrate the leading role of CaviTAU in the use of ceramic implants in front of more than 100 participants.

Here is the title and abstract of my talk in English:

Ultrasonography versus radiography in the assessment of jawbone density in preparation for implant placement- A novel approach

A new ultrasonography device generates an ultrasound wave and passes that wave through the jawbone, called “Trans Alveolar Ultrasonography (TAU)”. Will a newly available TAU device answer the questions:

  • Is the jawbone ready for implant insertion?
  • Or is the implant connected to persisting bone marrow defects?
  • Or connected to aseptic necrotic bone and poses a risk to implant placement?

Ultrasonography device CaviTAU® is developed for the radiation-free measurement of bone density and suitable to visualize the condition of jawbone beyond radiography. TAU device CaviTAU® displays load-free jawbones for non-problematic and durable implant insertion and is available to detect radiographically undetectable “silent inflammations” around persisting “unexplainable painful” implants.

In the daily praxis and for your daily implant success measuring bone density by TAU ultrasonography before and after implantation avoids failures. TAU protects dentists and patients from the early loss of implants. Impressive clinical cases are presented by the presenter.

TAU device CaviTAU® displays a new insight into an under recognized entity of “silent inflammation” in jawbone and is a reliable guide to “jawbone detox”. For further information please visit www.cavitau.de.

I wish you a lot of fun reading – I hope it is worthwhile to get further insight into the completely new field of a “Maxillo-mandibular Osteoimmunology” –

and remain with best ICOSIM greetings

Yours, Hans Lechner

18. ICOSIM Weekly – Lechner lecture DEGUZ – New publication in CeramicImplants 2/2022

Dear ICOSIM colleagues,

First reminder: sent back the vote for ICOSIM already?

  1. In this ICOSIM Weekly for all who could not be present at the DEGUZ in Frankenthal.

    Here to download my presentation:
    Insight into the jawbone: Inflammatio due to implant? Inflammatio by Endo?

  1. In Ceramic Implant 2/2022 again an international publication by Hans Lechner in English with the title:
    Dental Implants and Bone Marrow Defects – Evaluation of Bone Quality by Intraoral Ultrasonography

I hope you enjoy reading this article – I hope it will be worth your while to gain further insight into the completely new field of “Maxillo-mandibular Osteoimmunology” – and I leave you with my best wishes.

and remain with best ICOSIM greetings

Yours, Hans Lechner

17. ICOSIM Weekly – General meeting circulation procedures; OR videos; next FDOJ documentary; health TV QS24.

Dear ICOSIM colleagues,

  1. General meeting by circulation! 

    You will receive mail from ICOSIM e.V. in the next days.
    Essentially, the items on the agenda are about making the association more flexible and powerful by expanding different types of memberships.
    Additionally we have the possibility to expand and finance science and education in ICOSIM.

    I ask you to return the enclosed ballot to the business address of ICOSIM e.V. by 05/20/22.

  1. I hope that our new life surgery videos have been liked and found interest in the undeniable documentation of the existence of FDOJ pathology. As a reminder download for ICOSIM members at

In addition, here is the LINK to download FDOJ documentation for tumor patients PDF; I wish you good entertainment and profound information about CaviTAU®.

  1. The figure shows from the weekly report of the scientific database Researchgate how far our publications get international attention: in the last week of February the curve shows more than 100 links and in 1 week up to 30 readers, from “all over the world”!

Your Hans Lechner

16. ICOSIM Weekly – Lifestream video Lechner ZWP-Online CaviTAU® – Article and discussion public Resolution No. 32.

Dear ICOSIM colleagues,

  1. I hope you have enjoyed and found interest in our new life surgery videos, in the undeniable documentation of the existence of FDOJ pathology. This ICOSIM-Weekly extends the topic “Jawbone Detox” with the link to the livestream lecture of Hans Lechner in ZWP-online titled: “Novel imaging in the jawbone with ultrasound”.

I wish you good entertainment and profound information about CaviTAU®

  1. Of course, the discussion about Resolution No. 32 is not letting up. I quote in excerpt:
    “The treatment of so-called NICO (Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis), fatty degenerative osteolysis/osteonecrosis in the jawbone or similar diagnoses, are medically unnecessary measures, as the effectiveness has not been proven by scientific medically based study investigations. Furthermore, the alleged clinical picture of NICO is neither listed as a disease according to the ICD10 key nor in the WHO directories. Therefore, there is no medical necessity for the performance of diagnostics and treatments of this disease, such as Cavitat diagnostics….”

Obviously, the emeritus Prof. Staehle of the University of Heidelberg is behind No.32, because he had an article written:
“Neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis – A systematic review”

Supported with tax money from the University of Heidelberg
(See Funding information: The work was supported by the Department of Conservative Dentistry and the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Heidelberg. Caroline Sekundo is funded by the Physician Scientist Program of Heidelberg University, Faculty of Medicine).

We do not leave this article unchallenged, as an expression of a scientifically appropriate discussion.

If you want to participate in the discussion, you can read the reply of Prof. May (Uni Dresden) and Lechner:

The reply of the esteemed colleague Dr. Müller

I hope you enjoy reading and remain with best ICOSIM greetings

Yours, Hans Lechner

15. ICOSIM Weekly – Life videos of FDOJ operations – DEGUZ Congress – Quotes in Science – IOM column Lechner in ZWP.

Dear ICOSIM colleagues,

  1. The Praxisklinik Ganzheitliche ZahnMedizin in Munich produces life operation videos with clinical documentation: Impressive evidence for the practice-related representation and non-refutable existence of the pathology of “Cavity-forming osteonecrosis in the jawbone – FDOJ” and its relation to
    • lack of visualization in 2D-OPG and 3D-DVT
    • local RANTES expression
    • typical histology
    • and detection by ultrasound CaviTAU:
  1. This ICOSIM-Weekly would like to draw your attention repeatedly to the interesting DEGUZ-Congress in Frankenthal: We all hunger for collegial contacts and friendly exchange of information after the corona lockdowns.

    On May 7 at 12:30 p.m. Hans Lechner would like to welcome you with the lecture:
    “Insight into the jawbone: Inflammatio by implant? Inflammatio by Endo?”

  1. The fundamental orientation of our diagnostic and therapeutic osteoimmunological approaches is highly regarded in the worldwide scientific community, with 24,297 readers of the PubMed publications of our Munich research team in the last 8 weeks! (including at least two universities)
  1. The second column by Hans Lechner on “Integrative Oral Medicine IOM” appeared in ZWP-Online 4/2022; we sincerely thank Oemus-Verlag in Leipzig for this wonderful opportunity and will have the column appear in every other ZWP!

I hope you enjoy reading and remain with best ICOSIM greetings

Your Hans Lechner