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19. ICOSIM Weekly – CaviTAU goes Washington DC – Ceramic Implant Congress

Dear ICOSIM members,

due to my vacation a today delayed ICOSIM-Weekly: Our CaviTAU developer team was in Washington DC.,USA from May 19-21, 2022 and could demonstrate the leading role of CaviTAU in the use of ceramic implants in front of more than 100 participants.

Here is the title and abstract of my talk in English:

Ultrasonography versus radiography in the assessment of jawbone density in preparation for implant placement- A novel approach

A new ultrasonography device generates an ultrasound wave and passes that wave through the jawbone, called “Trans Alveolar Ultrasonography (TAU)”. Will a newly available TAU device answer the questions:

  • Is the jawbone ready for implant insertion?
  • Or is the implant connected to persisting bone marrow defects?
  • Or connected to aseptic necrotic bone and poses a risk to implant placement?

Ultrasonography device CaviTAU® is developed for the radiation-free measurement of bone density and suitable to visualize the condition of jawbone beyond radiography. TAU device CaviTAU® displays load-free jawbones for non-problematic and durable implant insertion and is available to detect radiographically undetectable “silent inflammations” around persisting “unexplainable painful” implants.

In the daily praxis and for your daily implant success measuring bone density by TAU ultrasonography before and after implantation avoids failures. TAU protects dentists and patients from the early loss of implants. Impressive clinical cases are presented by the presenter.

TAU device CaviTAU® displays a new insight into an under recognized entity of “silent inflammation” in jawbone and is a reliable guide to “jawbone detox”. For further information please visit

I wish you a lot of fun reading – I hope it is worthwhile to get further insight into the completely new field of a “Maxillo-mandibular Osteoimmunology” –

and remain with best ICOSIM greetings

Yours, Hans Lechner

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