Grünwalder Str. 1, 81547 München

28. ICOSIM Weekly

1. Scientific evidence: comparative BIC measurement of titanium to ceramic implants

2. The trick to BIC measurement

Dear friends of ICOSIM and
jawbone osteoimmunology,


1. How you secure the implantation success!


The biggest problem of modern implantology related to bone-implant contact is the insufficient stability of the implant after implantation. The stability of the implant depends on the quality of the bone and the size of the contact between the bone and the implant. Insufficient stability of the implant can cause the implant to move and form connective tissue instead of bone around the implant.


a) The problem: Quote from Prof. Albrektsson “However, no technique has yet been developed to visualize and verify whether bone or soft tissue is actually present around Implants.” [Albrektsson T, Chrcanovic B, JacobssonM, Wennerberg A.(2017) Osseointegration of  Implants– A Biological and Clinical Overview. JSM Dent Surg 2(3): 1022.]


b) The solution: successful measurement of bone to implant contact (BIC). In our latest article published in the PubMed-indexed Journal of International Medical Research titled “Osseointegration and Osteoimmunology in Implantology: Assessment of the Immune Sustainability of Dental Implants using Advanced Sonographic Diagnostics – Research and Case Reports” by Johann Lechner1, Volker von Baehr2, Florian Notter3, Fabian Schick4, we were able to scientifically prove the comparative BIC measurement of titanium to ceramic implants.


c) Implementation: Currently, CaviTAU is still the only device on the market that can successfully and accurately perform such a BIC measurement. Scientifically proven and based on years of research results, we naturally also enable our ICOSIM members to access this methodology and application.

(Workshops here CTA)


d) The conclusion: Through the ultrasound sonography with CaviTAU®, a central diagnostic gap for success control in the entire dental implantology has now been closed!


2. The trick to BIC measurement: The new CT-Unit (CTU) in CaviTAU®, ultrasound analog to Hounsfield Unit HU in DVT.

To do this, use the CaviTAU® Viewer software (available for purchase in the CaviTAU® Shop). First, I’ll show you how to start the CaviTAU® Viewer software on your computer and then load the desired patient files into the viewer.

1. Load the desired patient files onto your laptop or PC.

2. Where can you find the original files you want to copy?

3. You can find the files on your MASTER-CaviTAU® device under the file path: E/Cavitau/and there the file with the patient’s name.

4. Right-click and copy the file to a USB stick.

5. Now plug the patient file on your PDF stick into your laptop or PC that works with your CaviTAU® Viewer software.

6. Set up a folder on your laptop or PC, for example “CTU calculations”, where you can save all your patient scans later.

7. Now click on the CaviTAU® Viewer software icon on your desktop.

8. Wait for the viewer to start.

9. Now you have to name the folder where the viewer finds your CTU patient files.

10. To do this, click on “Patient Scans” in the upper left corner, a new window opens with “Folder Settings” in the upper right corner.

11. Click on “Folder Settings” and select your folder “CTU Calculations” from the folder offerings.

12. Confirm with “Select Folder” at the bottom right.

13. Now close the viewer and restart the viewer.

14. After the restart, click again on “Patient Scans (left) above…and the window with your patient name opens immediately.

15. Click on this patient name and confirm with “Load-Scan File” (lights up green when confirmed with the mouse)

16. Your laptop/PC then loads all patient data onto your screen.

17. Now you can start interpreting. To do this, select the odonton you want to interpret or calculate…

18. To do this, select the most meaningful of the at least 3 prescribed scans.

19. Now click on “Cell Average” and “log” in the upper right corner.

20. Immediately below the large projection of the selected field, a field called “CTU Window” with “Selected Cell, and Average “log” opens up.

21. Now click on the darkest fields with the mouse.

22. You have the choice of the darkest red – left, darkest blue – right.

23. The clicked cells are marked with a white border.

24. Experience shows that at least 7-8 cells of the darkest color must be selected to create a reliable CTU value.

25. Now the CTU window shows you the CTU value: the lower the value, the lower the bone density. Now I will show you the interpretation or CTU calculation using a specific case example: 


I look forward to hearing from you and remain until the next ICOSIM Weekly with collegial greetings!

Your Hans Lechner.

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