Grünwalder Str. 1, 81547 München

27. ICOSIM Weekly

1. Call for ICOSIM study
“Does the implant hold in the structure or not?”

2. Save the Date: 3. Tissue Master Congress
14.-16. March in Nürnberg

Dear friends of ICOSIM and
jawbone osteoimmunology,


1. Augmentat and Ultrasound Sonography:

Does the implant hold in the structure or not? – “Failed Implants” – Patient cases without success control


Patient 1: About 2 years ago, I had an implant from SDS with internal sinus lift inserted by a specialist who was recommended to me. After a healing period of 7.5 months, the implant began to wobble 2 weeks after the crown was placed, and the dentist removed it again. After the implant removal, I suffered from dizziness for several days. I have also had joint pain since then, which I never had before.

I am 58 years old and generally healthy, have good teeth (first dental prosthesis), and have a good immune system. According to my blood test, my D3 value (87 ng/ml) and other nutrients are very good. Therefore, it is unclear why the implant did not hold.

Building material: Bio-Gide membrane, Geistlich/Nano Bone mixed with autologous blood.

My response: The colleague works with his bone structures – like many other dentists – without knowing whether this artificial attempt has been successful, because he does not have a device to determine the bone density of his augmentation to such an extent that the inserted implants now hold or not. The X-ray image obviously does not allow this conclusion.

By using an ultrasound sonography with CaviTAU®, he could have checked and the implant would not have fallen out after being loaded (you are not alone in this; the internet is full of such complaints).


Patient 2: On Facebook a young patient reports:

Has anyone had multiple ceramic implants rejected? I had 3 placed in expensive healed bone grafting and all 3 have failed before 6 months. One failed right away and the other two lasted weeks before failure.


Is the grafting ready to hold the implants?

How to determine the bone density of grafting?

An ultrasound sonography with CaviTAU® might be the answer!

Call for ICOSIM study

The number of providers of bone replacement materials for the augmentation of reduced jaw conditions of various origins is increasing. This leads to increased statements by dental users and manufacturers about the success of the respective product, which is usually supported by local histological sections.

The success of an augmentation is consistently measured by the degree of ossification of the artificial augment. The success of implantation into the augmented replacement tissue depends on its osteoneogenic quality.However, it seems difficult to reliably determine the actual density ratios for dentists in practice with the X-ray methods available so far.

There is therefore both a diagnostic gap – simple measurement of bone density in the augment; and a therapeutic gap – the dentist cannot reliably determine a reliable time for implantation.

The aim of the study is therefore to measure the density of the augment using the medically approved and scientifically validated CaviTAU® ultrasound sonography procedure and thus obtain reliable statements about the degree of healing and implant readiness of the bone substitute. At the same time, a sample is taken and cytokine analysis of the augment takes place at the end stage of healing during implantation.


Sponsors of the study can be:

a) Dentists who want to check the clinical valence of their practice method for augmentation and want to present this to patients as a reference to their implantation expertise with scientific data material and publication.

b) Manufacturers of replacement materials who want to follow and present a retrospective course study of the healing degree of their product in cooperation with dentists they trust. They gain medically relevant statements about the quality of their product in comparison to the market offering.

If you are interested in participating, please contact me:

2. Save the Date: 

3. Tissue Master Congress “Innovative aspects for dento-alveolar therapy – tackling root diseases”

will take place from March 14-16, 2024 in Nürnberg

The event will feature a lecture by Hans Lechner on “Osteoimmunology and implant success – long-term immune sustainability of dental implants.” 

You can download the flyer or visit the congress website for more information and registration details: 



I look forward to seeing you in Nuremberg and remain with collegial greetings until the next ICOSIM Weekly.

Your Hans Lechner.

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