Dear ICOSIM Colleagues,
- This ICOSIM Weekly reports from the International Conference on Osteoimmunology: Interactions of the Immune and Skeletal Systems in Crete.
The scientific committee has accepted Hans Lechner’s presentation for May 17.
Title of the lecture:
Maxillo-mandibular Osteoimmunology – Hidden Fatty Degeneration in Jawbone Marrow as Interface to Systemic Inflammation?”

The fact that 36 international speakers with a high scientific reputation are working on the topic of osteoimmunology is a great proof that we are on the right track
- with our RANTES research and our
- analytical insights into the jaw bone with CaviTAU®.
- are already working on the future of “Integrative Oral Medicine”.
- My Facebook contacts also regularly give positive feedback on my posts. Here is a nice example of a great summary:
Gerrit Egberts posted something Lyme Nederland:
- And here is another proof of the scientific reference of our research on RANTES and ultrasound CaviTAU:
- The 20 PubMed indexed publications of our Munich research team are now cited in 69 other scientific publications!
- The fundamental orientation of our diagnostic and therapeutic osteoimmunological approaches is highly regarded in the worldwide scientific community!
I hope you enjoy reading and remain with best ICOSIM greetings
Yours, Hans Lechner