28. ICOSIM Weekly – Webinar von Innovinc

28. ICOSIM Weekly – Webinar von Innovinc

9th Edition Webinar on Breast Cancer by Innovinc

Dr. Lechner nimmt mit seinem Abstract “Jawbone Cavitation Expressed RANTES/CCL5: Case Studies Linking Silent Inflammation in the Jawbone with Epistemology of Breast Cancer” an der Webinarreihe vom 07. bis 08. Oktober via ZOOM Platform (London Time) von INNOVINC teil.

Sie können sich hier für das Webinar anmelden: https://gicbc.org/webinar/registration


Hier finden Sie die Kurzfassung des Abstracts von Dr. Dr. Johann Lechner:

Background: The role of signaling pathways as part of the cell-cell communication within cancer progression becomes a crucial area. Chemokine RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted), also known as the chemokine C-C motif ligand 5 (CCL5) (R/C), is a protein on which cancer research focus due to its link with aggressive cancer development.

Objective: Research on fatty-degenerative osteonecrosis in jawbone (FDOJ) shows striking overexpression of R/C in these areas. Here we try to elucidate a potential link between jawbone-derived R/C and breast cancer (BC) and compare these findings by immunohistochemical staining.

Methods: 39 FDOJ samples extracted from 39 BC patients and samples from 19 healthy control were analyzed for R/C expression using bead-based Luminex® analysis. R/C levels from 5 BC patients were measured in serum before and after FDOJ surgery. Bone density, histology, R/C expression, and immunohistochemistry were analysed in 4 clinical case studies. The R/C staining of two FDOJ BC patients is compared with the immunohistochemical staining of BC cell preparations.

Results: A high overexpression of R/C was seen in all FDOJ samples.  R/C levels in serum were statistically downregulated after FDOJ surgery (p=0,0241). 

Discussion: R/C induced “silent inflammation” in BC are widely discussed in scientific papers along with R/C triggering of different signaling pathways, which might be a key point in the development of BC. 

Conclusion: Hypothesis that FDOJ may serve as a trigger of BC progression through R/C overexpression was set by the authors, who thus inspire clinicians to make aware of FDOJ throughout the dental and medical community in BC cases.

Keywords: Chemokine RANTES/CCL5; osteonecrosis of the jawbone; breast cancer; bead-based Luminex® analysis; hyperactivated signaling pathways.



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